Exploring Your Identity with Pat Fenner

Pat Fenner is a twenty-five-year homeschooler of five children, and author of the breakthrough course, The Empty Homeschool Nest.

She is making the most of her retired homeschool mom status as she supports moms who homeschool high school at her blog BreakthroughHomeschooling.

Pat Fenner helps moms find meaning and purpose in their post-homeschooling stage of life through her signature course, The Empty Homeschool Nest Blueprint.

You Be You Checklist

“When you don’t have another identity,

your homeschool mom identity

becomes your ONLY identity.”

Pat Fenner, Author of The Empty Homeschool Nest Blueprint

Pat Fenner & I discuss:

  • How our homeschool mom’s identity isn’t our only identity.
  • The value of self-directed learning.
  • How it develops when we maintain boundaries.
  • We talk about how dark chocolate and Netflix routines might be the new norm post-pandemic, no longer a self-care strategy.

Pat encourages the homeschool mama:

  • Here is a secret mom; you are not always fun to be around either.
  • But you’ll still have conflicts and challenges because you just do when you are living with somebody. And when you are with each other a lot. But because you’re living with each other a lot, you also have the gift and benefit of working through these things.
  • It is okay to make mistakes. It doesn’t mean that you are failing, that they are failing, or that you let them down. It is just a kind of life.
  • As much as you love your kids, God loves them a bajillion times more.
  • I feel like one of the things if I had it over, would have worked more on self-development and maintaining a few boundaries, you know having boundaries.

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Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3470-call-to-adventure
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/